Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wedding Gift Etiquette

In the realm of wedding gifts, manners matter. There are classy and tactful ways to encourage your guests to express their support for your future as a husband and wife. Considering that you have a common bond that you care for them and they care for you, be assured that most givers want to satisfy the desires of the recipient, and chances are they will inquire as to what would be the most welcome sort of gift. Spread the word to your close contacts, such as close family or bridesmaids, that if people do happen to ask, what you would prefer receiving. You can make it easier by having a gift registry at a popular retail store. Finally, don't sweat it if you get duplicate items, especially ones you didn't want or need. Just keep in mind the sentiment behind the gift, be sure to thank with a written note, and remember to mention what you intend to do with the money if that is what you are given. Doing so makes you look good and the giver of the gift feel great. 

Photo Credit:The Happy Couple

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