Just last week, I noticed one of the bluest bluebirds I’d
ever seen. It was flitting about near the front gate as Chris and I pulled into
work. Bluebirds represent happiness, or so I’ve always been told—a pretty good
symbol for a place that specializes in weddings!
Yesterday as Chris and I pulled in, we had a flock of
Canadian geese waddle across Meeting Street on the way to our pond. We stopped
to let them cross. They craned their necks self-importantly, strutting a little
as they walked. Chris and I laughed. We had a lot of geese here into January,
then even they seemed to fly south—although, for them, this IS south—so it was
nice to see that they’ve returned.
We have birds all around us, of course, and even on the
coldest days of this unusually cold winter, we’ve watched blue jays and black
birds. I don’t pretend to be an expert. I just know the cedars and evergreens
are always a-chirp. I’ve recently learned to slow down and appreciate the
sounds and songs I hear from the bare trees and bushes and hedges.
But with the leading edge of spring on its way—heralded by
the robins—we’ll have even more to enjoy.
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